Curriculum Vitae

Short CV

László CSABA was in 2000 to 2024 distinguished professor of international political economy at Central European University/Privatuniversitaet, Vienna and Corvinus University of Budapest, where he continues to serve as emeritus.He is honorary professor of economics at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences/Gödöllő, as well as Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, between 2012-15 also of the social science section of Science Europe/Brussels, and since 2013, of Academia Europea/London. Author of 13 books, editor of 6 volumes, as well as 426 articles and chapters in books published in 22 countries. In 1999-2000 President of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies. On the editorial board of 10 international and 7 Hungarian academic journals. His academic work invited 154 reviews and over 2350 independent citations internationally. His recent output includes the chapter’Systemic Governance’IN: DALLAGO,B. and CASAGRANDE,S.eds: Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economics’Abingdon-NY, 2023, as well as the chapters: ’Illiberal economic policies’IN: HOLMES, al eds: Routledge Handbook of Illiberalism.Abingdon,2022,pp674-691.,’Globalization and Europeanization: a Central European Perspective’Journal of Risk and Financial Mangement,vol.17/SI/2024, and ’Unorthodoxy in Hungary: an illiberal success story?’Post-Communist Economies,, pp 1-14.


László Csaba was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1954. A graduate of Budapest University of Economics/1976/. In 1976-87 he was associated with the Institute for World Economy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, finally as senior fellow. He earned his second MA/dr.univ.oec/ in 1978 ath the BUES and his Ph.D in 1984 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences/also published in book format/.

In 1988-2000 associated with Kopint-Datorg Economic Research. In 1996 he earned a professorial degree/D.Sc at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences based on his book, published two years earlier/also in the UK/. In 1997 he earned dr.habil title at the Corvinus University. From July 1997 Professor of Comparative Economics at the same institution.

In 1991-97 Honorary Professor of International Economics at the College of Foreign Trade/Budapest. In 1990-94 and 1996-98 Vice President, in 1999-2000 President of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Additionally, in 1999-2011 he also served as Professor of Economics at the University of Debrecen and founded its doctoral program ’Globalization, Competitiveness, Regionalism’. In July 2000 he joined the faculty of the Central European University as professor of international political economy at the Department of International Relations, since 2014 as distinguished professor.

Published 6 books in English, 7 monographs in Hungarian and 6 edited volumes in English, altogether 419 articles and chapters in academic volumes in 22 countries/cf list of publications on separate sheet/, which drew 155 reviews and 2350 independent citations internationally. He was visiting professor at the private Bocconi University/Milan/Italy/1991/, the Department of Economics, University of Helsinki/Finland, 1993/, the European Viadrina University in Franfurt/O,Germany, in 1997, and the Free University of Berlin/1998-2000, five semesters in a row/. Since May, 2014 he is also honorary professor at the Szent István University.

Since 1985 member of the Committee on Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in 1996-2002 Co-Chair, for 2002-2008 Chair. Since its inception/1999/ member and co-chair/1999-2007/ of the Doctoral Committee of the Section of Law and Economics as well as of International Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Since 1996 member of the Committee on development and global economic studies, since 1999 also of the International Studes Committee, where he was elected to co-chair for the 2005-2008 and reelected for the 2008-2011 period. For 2018-2020 and 2021 to 2024 he was elected to Chair the ISC. In 2008-2011 member of the Grand Jury of the HAS on D.Sc/professorial applications from all the disciplines. The General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences elected him, in May 2007, to be Member/Corr/ of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and in May 2013 promoted to regular/full mebership. In 2012-15 member of the social science section of Science Europe, an EU research policy network based in Brussels. Since September, 2013 member of the London-based Academia Europea.

He is currently member of the editorial/advisory board of the following academic journals: Europe-Asia Studies/Glasgow/, Intereconomics/Hamburg/, Voprosy Ekonomiki/Moscow/, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies/Kyoto/, Post-Communist Economies/London/, Közgazdasági Szemle, Külgazdaság, Köz-Gazdaság/Economic Theory and Policy,/Budapest/, the Montenegrin Journal of Economics/Podgorica, Journal of Balkan Policy Research/Sussex/UK, Economics and Business Administration Journal/Warsaw/, Magyar Tudomány/Budapest/, Külügyi Szemle/Budapest/, Economic Papers/Warsaw/, Gazdaság és Pénzügy/Economy and Finance/Budapest. In previous years he also served on the board of the following academic journals: Economic Systems/Germany/, Soviet and East European Foreign Trade/USA/,Zeitschrrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften/Berlin Javnost/Public/Slovenia/, Comparative Economic Studies/USA/, Journal of International and Comparative Economics/Italy/, Acta Oeconomica/Budapest/, and Competitio/Debrecen/, Society and Economy/Budapest/. Member of the advisory board of CEU Press and Akadémiai Kiadó, as well as of the TIGER Institute/Warsaw.

His most important prizes include the Prize of the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations/1994/, Bezerédj Foundation for Europe/2003/, Popovics/Best Economist Prize of the National Bank of Hungary/2004/, Grand Prize of the Publisher/Akadémiai,/2005/, best book of the year, Ex Libris/Corvinus University and a private charity in 2010, and Professor of the Year, 2011/Corvinus University/, Cross of the Hungarian Republic/2012/.