Válság-gazdaság-világ Adalék Közép-Európa három évtizedes gazdaságtörténetéhez /1988-2018/
This book consists of ten chapters. It focuses on the economic history of Central Europe in the three decades following systemic change, i.e from 1988 to 2018. The fundamental research question asks about the reasons why no Wirtschaftswunder followed large scale political and economic changes after the collapse of Communism. The economic miracle could be expected as a replica of fast and successful reconstructions following both the World War I and World War II. The big success has not come either in the Eastern German provinces or in resource-rich Russia. As a special feature the volume addresses issues of European integration and impacts of the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, the Great Recession. The analysis, focusing on the long run, concludes with insights that may go beyond the region. These highlight the relevance of – customarily neglected - ideational factors, especially of value judgements and public discourse against the ‘usual suspects’ of capital, labor, land and institutions in shaping sustainable outcomes.
Publisher: Éghajlat Könyvkiadó
Year: 2018
Number of pages: 256
ISBN: 9789639862135